Infertility: The Link Between EMF Exposure and Decreased Fertility in Men and Women

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) – radiation emitted by electronic devices, such as cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc. – are everywhere in today's world. From cell phones to Wi-Fi, we are constantly exposed to these fields. But what impact are they having on our health and fertility? Recent research has shown that EMF exposure can lead to decreased fertility in both men and women.

In men, exposure to EMFs has been linked to decreased sperm count and motility. Studies have shown that high levels of EMF exposure can cause oxidative stress and DNA damage in sperm, which leads to decreased fertility. This has a significant impact on couples trying to conceive, as male infertility is a major factor in 30-50% of infertility cases.

Another article from the Fertility and Sterility Journal said that men who keep their cell phones near their testicles are at high risk of having fertility issues. This is because the testicles are exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic waves, which in turn, lead to changes in the motility of sperm and a decrease in sperm count.

There are three main focus areas when it comes to women and EMF: fertility, pregnancy, and breast health. Women are not immune to the effects of EMF exposure on fertility. Studies have shown that exposure to EMFs can affect ovulation and menstrual cycles, which leads to infertility. Additionally, exposure to EMFs during pregnancy can have negative effects on fetal development and increase the risk of miscarriage.

Related Source: Pathophysiology of cell phone radiation: oxidative stress and carcinogenesis with focus on male reproductive system

Your Cell Phone Doesn’t Belong Below Your Belt Line 

There are numerous studies that suggest that Radiofrequencies damage sperm count.  In one example, a 2018 study found evidence that “RF-Electromagnetic exposure negatively affects sperm quality.” Another concluded that “long exposure” to electromagnetic waves from mobile phones was associated with a decrease in the number of mature sperm.

Since testosterone is an essential hormone in the development of male reproductive tissues, men need to be careful where they keep their mobile devices.  

The female reproductive system is very different from the male reproductive system. This is because women’s eggs live deep inside the body, but for men, their sperm is more vulnerable since it resides in the testicles outside the body. So, for women who carry their phones in their pockets, this means that the damages they experience may be less direct than men, but nevertheless, they should still be aware of where they store their phones (this also includes in their bras).

As Dr. Huberman, Neuroscience Professor at Stanford, said in a recent post, “Smartphones are not going anywhere. One simple way to avoid and reverse the negative effects is to not keep them in your front pocket and ideally to keep them as far away from your body as possible.”


So, what can we do to reduce our exposure to EMFs? Here are a few tips:

  1. Limit your use of cell phones and other electronic devices.
  2. Use a speaker or headset to minimize direct contact with your device.
  3. Keep electronic devices away from your bed at night.
  4. Turn off Wi-Fi and other electronic devices when not in use.
  5. Use anti-radiation products for your Electronic Devices such as SafeSleeve.

What about maintaining good sperm quality? In addition to what is mentioned above, having enough sleep and maintaining a balanced diet can certainly assist with good sperm quality. Also, using FCC-accredited, lab-tested products that protect you and your body from EMF exposure is also recommended.  For both men and women - using anti-radiation laptop cases, such as the ones shown  here, will shield your body (most importantly your reproductive organs) from exposure to EMF.