EMF Exposure May Cause Depression, Anxiety and Other Mental Health Issues


Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has been linked to several problems with mental health, including depression and anxiety. 

EMFs are caused by sources such as power lines, cell phone towers, and personal electronics such as your cell phones and laptops. Common household appliances such as your microwave are also a source.

How much is too much exposure? And when does this radiation become detrimental to one's mental health?

What is mental health?

Mental health is defined as emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts how we think, feel, and act. Mental health also impacts how we handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions.

Everybody has some level of mental health. Good or bad mental health can result from countless factors: the enjoyment level of your career; the amount of stress you're experiencing at any given time; even coffee consumption!

EMF Exposure In Correlation to Mental Health

If you're worried about EMFs, the one thing to know is that they can affect your mental health. Dr. Tassalotti's research found that EMFs may be linked to people feeling decreased levels of chemicals in their brain such as dopamine, serotonin, and phenylethylamine - among other negative changes in behavior or mood.

EMFs have also been linked to an increased risk of heart disease and cancer. In addition, over time they may decrease your body's ability to self-heal by influencing the production of certain hormones in your body - such as melatonin and serotonin which were previously mentioned. 

These two hormones play an important role in regulating sleep patterns and moods - studies show that EMF exposure has the potential for increasing one's chance at developing mental illnesses like Alzheimer's

EMF Affecting Your Sleep

Most of us probably sleep with our cell phones nearby, but if you find yourself scrolling through social media before bed and sleeping with your phone inches away from you, it could be hurting your quality of sleep. Exposure to blue light and other electromagnetic waves emitted by your cell phone can have drastic effects on your rest—and not in a positive way. 


How To Reduce Our Exposure to EMFs

It's safe to say that exposure to EMFs is not good nor is it healthy for the human body and brain to be exposed for prolonged periods. The problem is that we live in a digital world with electronic equipment and technology all around at any given moment of any given day. 

How can we reduce and limit our exposure to EMFs while still allowing us to live in a digital world but giving us peace of mind knowing that as much as possible, we're protecting ourselves from EMFs? 

Here are a few things we can do:

  • Turn off your wifi routers before bedtime.
  • Place your cell phone away from where you sleep by placing it in another room entirely or switching it over to airplane mode when you're able.
  • Keep gadgets away from where you sleep so their EMF doesn't interrupt your REM sleeping cycle. 
  • Use lab tested blocking cases for your personal electronics.


In summary, we live in a digital world where there is always an opportunity for EMF exposure - no matter how small. Studies have shown this EMF to be linked to mental health issues that can eventually lead to developing issues such as depression, anxiety, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

There are many ways people can help minimize or reduce the amount of time they are exposed to EMFs; some examples include shutting off your Wifi at night, purchasing any lab tested shielding devices for your personal electronics such as these here, or removing all smart devices from your bedroom so it doesn't interfere with your quality of sleep.

If you're looking for more info on EMFs/digital privacy/our latest updates feel free to check out some of our previous posts here